India on Saturday strongly advocated a “balanced approach” in the draft text of a new binding pact to cut global carbon emissions to make sure that polluting countries pay and… read more →
The latest draft text is a watered down version of the earlier seven-page one and once again the national contributions of countries is mitigation-centric. After objections to a new draft… read more →
The telecom companies have been asked to reduce the carbon footprint by 17% in next five years. This move is being considered as the step for clean development for transition… read more →
New Delhi: The Power Ministry is going to approach the cabinet with new draft proposed to stringent the rules for renewable purchase obligation. The move is being considered as the… read more →
New Delhi: The Power Ministry will soon approach the Cabinet with a proposal to introduce stringent rules for buyers and sellers of renewable energy, besides making amendments to the provisions… read more →
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